Bankura Christian College

Estd. 1903 Re-Accredited : Grade A (3rd Cycle) by NAAC in 2019 | "College with Potential for Excellence" (2nd Phase)
About the Department

Department of Physiology, University of Burdwan got affiliation to teach as a 3-year Degree Pass Course was introduced since 1973. However the faculty as a separate discipline was introduced from 1974. Thereafter, Physiology was incorporated as an Honours subject from 2007 and since then it has steadily developed into a leading center of teaching in The University of Burdawn. From 2017, this department is under the affiliation of Bankura University. The main goals of the department are to promote teaching and research activity with special emphasis on community health including advanced training and field studies and to provide exposure to the students towards updated research activities and training. The Physiology Laboratory is well-equipped laboratory and all the mode techniques are taught under this Bankura University.

Performance of the result of the students has been very much satisfactory; even a few students secured University ranks in each year. We encourage rejuvenating, innovative, research and participating different national and inteational seminar students and teachers of the Department of Physiology towards the achievement of Research with Interdisciplinary Research Activities.