Bankura Christian College

Estd. 1903 Re-Accredited : Grade A (3rd Cycle) by NAAC in 2019 | "College with Potential for Excellence" (2nd Phase)

The Department of English (UG & PG) is determined to provide an enriching and conducive environment for both students and faculty members. The facilities of the department arc tailored to support effective teaching, leaing, research, and creative exploration in the realm of English language and literature.


A total of five classrooms are there in the Department. They are thoughtfully designed to foster a dynamic leaing atmosphere. They are spacious, well-lit, and equipped with audio-visual types of equipment for instructors to incorporate multimedia elements into their lectures and discussions.

Departmental Library:

The heart of any academic department is its library, and the Department of English of Bankura Christian College is no exception. The departmental library is a treasure trove of literary works, critical texts, reference materials, and scholarly jouals spanning various genres and periods of literature. Students and faculty members have access to an extensive collection that supports both curriculum-related studies and personal academic pursuits.

Computers and Inteet Facility:

Recognizing the importance of technology in mode education, the Department of English offers computer facilities to its students and faculty. For official uses, there are two computers in the office and two computers are there in the Departmental Library for the use of the students loaded with software relevant to literature research and academic writing. The college's campus-wide Wi-Fi network further extends the inteet facility, enabling students and faculty to engage in research, access online resources, and collaborate on projects from various locations within the college premises.

The Department of English at Bankura Christian College has invested significantly in creating an infrastructure that aligns with the evolving demands of the digital age while maintaining a strong commitment to the values of academic excellence and intellectual growth. This blend of modeity and tradition ensures that students and faculty have the necessary resources to excel in their academic pursuits and contribute meaningfully to the field of English language and literature.